
The press behind the genĀ­erĀ­ic title ā€˜CropĀ­perā€™ā€¦

Vicobold Machines: Victoria Platens

ā€¦machine ā€” rather than an inkĀ­ing disk. The machines are based on the VicĀ­torĀ­ia Heavy Art Platen. VicoĀ­bold Machine Max Sheet Size Inside Chase Size Platen Size Space OccuĀ­pied Power Required Netā€¦

Organisation of a Printing Office

ā€¦posĀ­sible terms is the purĀ­pose of the purĀ­chasĀ­ing area.  They can be comĀ­misĀ­sioned by the order clerk to buy materĀ­iĀ­als for the plan; but they can also be used toā€¦

MacTronic: Monotype Typesetting from Computer

ā€¦The resĀ­ult is a sysĀ­tem that allows text to be preĀ­pared and then sent dirĀ­ectly to the caster to proĀ­duce brand-new perĀ­fect types.  This artĀ­icle looks in a little moreā€¦

Haddon and the Introduction of the American Point System

ā€¦scenĀ­ic postĀ­cards of New Zealand. Shortly after buying the press I visĀ­ited WanĀ­ganui to buy cases of redundĀ­ant type from a newspaperā€™s loft, and disĀ­covered with some amazement that theā€¦

Groups and Societies

ā€¦parts of the UK; a regĀ­uĀ­lar magazine and an annuĀ­al conĀ­venĀ­tion. Oxford Guild of PrintĀ­ers The Oxford Guild of PrintĀ­ers is a more book- and letĀ­terĀ­press-focussed group than theā€¦

Oiling Your Press

ā€¦machine or cycle oils such as 3 in1 are far too thin to adequately cushĀ­ion the bearĀ­ing surĀ­faces, espeĀ­cially those loosened by years or decĀ­ades of wear. Buy a goodā€¦

Finding a Press

ā€¦Prices are essenĀ­tially negoĀ­tiĀ­able, there being no ā€˜bookā€™ or ā€˜offiĀ­cialā€™ scale it is simply a matĀ­ter of arrivĀ­ing at a figĀ­ure acceptĀ­able to both parties. Small presses requirĀ­ing little space,ā€¦

Early Rollers, Composition Rollers and Rubber Rollers

ā€¦or petĀ­roĀ­leum jelly.  An approĀ­priĀ­ate mix would be 10% medĀ­icĀ­al parĀ­affin plus ā€˜sufĀ­fers greaseā€™ (an enginĀ­eersā€™ jelly). ComĀ­posĀ­iĀ­tion Rollers AdvantĀ­ages and DisĀ­adĀ­vantĀ­ages AdvantĀ­ages of ComĀ­posĀ­iĀ­tion Rollers They are the cheapest rollersā€¦

Linotype and Intertype Salvage

ā€¦tools (in the US, the Ewald brand; basicĀ­ally a rotary brush in a box). All of this stuff may be long gone, but if itā€™s there itā€™s worth havĀ­ing. Thereā€¦

The Ludlow Typograph

The LudĀ­low TypoĀ­graph ā€” more comĀ­monly ā€˜the LudĀ­lowā€™ ā€” is a machine that comĀ­bines hand assembly of each charĀ­acĀ­ter, along with the castĀ­ing of brand-new type for each line.  Theā€¦


ā€¦want and a very reasĀ­onĀ­able price!  Please get in touch with him to disĀ­cuss what youā€™re after. BlockĀ­makers Two curĀ­rent sugĀ­gesĀ­tions: The Block Shop, Speke or KPE GraphĀ­ics, KetĀ­terĀ­ing. Printersā€™ā€¦