
About the Brit­ish­Let­ter­press site

BritishLetterpress.co.uk has served nearly sev­enty thou­sand pages to around ten thou­sand unique vis­it­ors since March 2007. Most (62%) are from the UK and around one-third have arrived from a search engine look­ing for inform­a­tion about hobby let­ter­press printing.

Purpose of this Site

This site’s pur­pose is to help those begin­ning let­ter­press print­ing, espe­cially in the UK. Why not have a look at the home page or the guides to start­ing let­ter­press print­ing . Feel free to con­tact me about the site or let­ter­press printing.

Why Put it Together?

I put this site togeth­er to help new and exper­i­enced let­ter­press print­ers get star­ted and keep the momentum going. With con­tri­bu­tions from many authors, the site includes spe­cif­ic guides to let­ter­press print­ing as a hobby and the won­der­ful presses, or print­ing machines. For those that know all they need to about print­ing, there are guides to learn­ing more and selling or dis­pos­ing of let­ter­press equipment

Technical Help and Adverts

Please have a look at the more detailed page about the Brit­ish Let­ter­press Site