We have hands-on guides to almost all aspects of letterpress printing; information about printing presses and letterpress type; in-depth articles about some of the more obscure areas of printing; and the hub of the letterpress community in the UK, covering tuition, printers and museums.
Benj. Brundell
What's New

Return of Shipley Wayzgoose
I’m delighted that Roger and Nick have been able to host again the Shipley Wayzgoose. It’s my local fair — so I’m biased! — but it’s a wonderful day meeting great people. 11 June 2022, 11am to 4pm at the Kirkgate Centre, Shipley. The Wayzgoose now has it’s own Insta account, too. View this post…

Francis Cupiss, Diss
Heading to see a friend in Anglia, I took the chance to contact John at Francis Cupiss, Diss. The reply shot back that John was away but Richard would give us a glimpse of the works. We were invited to step inside the epitome of a proper printing works: cast iron guillotine, Columbian press, pair of…

St Bride Virtual Wayzgoose
Despite Covid restrictions, the letterpress champions at St Bride are organising a virtual wayzgoose. Details below! Due to the ongoing coronavirus restrictions in the UK, we have decided to host a virtual wayzgoose on Sunday 11 July from 10am–1pm BST online via the St Bride Foundation Twitter and Instagram accounts. https://twitter.com/stbridelibraryhttps://www.instagram.com/stbridefoundation We are inviting letterpress…

Letterpress Guides
Step-by-step guides to take you through the letterpress process

Type and Typography
The building blocks of the printed word and today’s graphic design

A comprehensive catalogue of Britain’s most popular letterpress machines

Printing Industry
Historical articles and in-depth analysis of letterpress

The hub of today’s UK letterpress community

Updates and asides from the wider world of British letterpress