About Me

About Ben Brundell

Benjamin BrundellSelf-styled web guru Jakob Nielsen sug­ges­ted that all sites should have some sort of ‘About’ sec­tion to help build cred­ib­il­ity. I thought it best that I should offer a couple of words about me and my let­ter­press fascination.

I star­ted print­ing in 2005 with an Adana 5 x 3 and have gone on from there to run a num­ber of presses, includ­ing a Vico­bold and Arab. I nev­er print for money (not even to cov­er costs); and believe in John Ryder’s philo­sophy that to get paid would be to shackle one­self to the demands of anoth­er person.

All this is done in the gar­age at home in Rish­worth West York­shire. It’s a won­der­ful part of the world, and you prob­ably know you’ve been there because you’ve passed that farm on the M62 that sits between the Lan­cashire and York­shire-bound carriageways.

If you’d like to get in touch, please con­tact me