Blog Events

Return of Shipley Wayzgoose

I’m delighted that Roger and Nick have been able to host again the Ship­ley Wayz­goose. It’s my loc­al fair — so I’m biased! — but it’s a won­der­ful day meet­ing great people. 11 June 2022, 11am to 4pm at the Kirkg­ate Centre, Ship­ley. The Wayz­goose now has it’s own Insta account, too. View this post…


Francis Cupiss, Diss

Head­ing to see a friend in Anglia, I took the chance to con­tact John at Fran­cis Cupiss, Diss. The reply shot back that John was away but Richard would give us a glimpse of the works. We were invited to step inside the epi­tome of a prop­er print­ing works: cast iron guil­lot­ine, Columbi­an press, pair of…

Blog Events

St Bride Virtual Wayzgoose

Des­pite Cov­id restric­tions, the let­ter­press cham­pi­ons at St Bride are organ­ising a vir­tu­al wayz­goose. Details below! Due to the ongo­ing coronavir­us restric­tions in the UK, we have decided to host a vir­tu­al wayz­goose on Sunday 11 July from 10am–1pm BST online via the St Bride Found­a­tion Twit­ter and Ins­tagram accounts. We are invit­ing letterpress…

Community Events

Pressing On: The Letterpress Film - St Bride Foundation

Friends at St Brides are show­ing Press­ing On: The Let­ter­press Film.  27 Octo­ber, 6pm to 9pm. More details on the St Bride website.


Print Futures Awards: 2018 - Call for Applications

The Print Futures Awards help people devel­op their career in the UK print­ing, paper, pub­lish­ing, pack­aging and graph­ic arts sec­tors. What are the Print Futures Awards? The Awards are grants of up to £1,500 to help indi­vidu­als devel­op their work­place skills or assist new people to fol­low a path­way into employ­ment with liv­ing and travel…

Blog Events

St Bride Event: Douglas Downing on The Dalziel Brothers

A note from St Bride on an upcom­ing event. I am email­ing on behalf of the St Bride Found­a­tion where I cur­ate their events pro­gramme as I wanted to let you know about a talk we have com­ing up that may be of interest to you and your fel­low mem­bers. It is being held on Friday…


St Bride Re-Opens!

A great relief — St Bride Lib­rary will re-open once a month from 06 April. There are some con­di­tions: includ­ing the request that you are booked in a week in advance, have a list of the things you want to refer to, and pay a fee to retrieve books; but a great step in the right…


Oxford Guild of Printers: Bursary

A great offer from a great let­ter­press print­ing organ­isa­tion — OxGuild­Print­ers (@OxGuildPrinters) May 11, 2015


St Bride Foundation: Wayzgoose Sunday 17 May

The St. Bride Found­a­tion will be hold­ing a Wayz­goose — a print­ers’ fair — this com­ing Sunday 17 May between 11am and 4pm.  Details at their web­site! [googlemaps!1m18!1m12!1 m³!1d4966.100667204068!2d‑0.10542691534423829!3d51.51229256086154!2 m³!1f0!2f0!3f0!3 m²!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3 m³!1 m²!1s0x4876055c47318b3b%3A0x143cf4512f8f9f07!2sSt+Bride+Foundation!5e0!3 m²!1sen!2suk!4v1431625017273&w=600&h=450]