Letterpress Courses, Tuition and Workshops

Where to go next on your let­ter­press journey

My first list of let­ter­press courses was very small: it seemed for a short while that the UK had giv­en up on passing the craft of let­ter­press between gen­er­a­tions!  I’m pleased to say that the cur­rent list is large and grow­ing.  Bear in mind, too, that the people lis­ted are likely to under­take print­ing for you.

The Print Project, Shipley

The Print Pro­ject, Ship­ley, West Yorkshire

Brignell Bookbinder

Book­bind­ing-focused tuition in Cambridge

The Paper Trail, Hemel Hempstead

Let­ter­press print­ing at this won­der­ful paper mill with Paul Wool­ley and a jour­ney­man com­pos­itor.  More details on the Frog­more Mill website.

The Letterpress Collective, Bristol

Nick Hand and Ellen Bills run the Let­ter­press Col­lect­ive in Bris­tol.  They run courses, under­take print­ing and organ­ise a print fest­iv­al each year.  Nick sus­pects (and I agree) that he is the only print­er to have a fully fledged bicycle with a print­ing press on that has rid­den from Bris­tol to Mainz print­ing along the way. Centrespace, 6 Leonard…

Pixel Press, Stoke Newington

Pixel Press in Stoke Newington

The Bodleian Bibliographical Press

The Bodlei­an Lib­rar­y’s Bib­li­o­graph­ic­al Press has both inter­est­ing presses (and exper­i­ments!) and runs tuition.  Their web page shows the equip­ment avail­able (and types) plus details of courses. Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodlei­an Lib­rar­ies, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

TypeTom, Bognor Regis

Tom Boulton runs TypeTom, which includes print­ing and tuition.   TypeTom also has a rather charm­ing online shop. Gla­mis Street, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DQ

Richard Lawrence, Oxford

Richard Lawrence, Oxford

Incline Press, Oldham

Incline Press, Oldham

West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield

West York­shire Print Work­shop, Mirfield