My first list of letterpress courses was very small: it seemed for a short while that the UK had given up on passing the craft of letterpress between generations! I’m pleased to say that the current list is large and growing. Bear in mind, too, that the people listed are likely to undertake printing for you.

The Print Project, Shipley
The Print Project, Shipley, West Yorkshire

Brignell Bookbinder
Bookbinding-focused tuition in Cambridge

The Paper Trail, Hemel Hempstead
Letterpress printing at this wonderful paper mill with Paul Woolley and a journeyman compositor. More details on the Frogmore Mill website.

The Letterpress Collective, Bristol
Nick Hand and Ellen Bills run the Letterpress Collective in Bristol. They run courses, undertake printing and organise a print festival each year. Nick suspects (and I agree) that he is the only printer to have a fully fledged bicycle with a printing press on that has ridden from Bristol to Mainz printing along the way. Centrespace, 6 Leonard…

Pixel Press, Stoke Newington
Pixel Press in Stoke Newington

The Bodleian Bibliographical Press
The Bodleian Library’s Bibliographical Press has both interesting presses (and experiments!) and runs tuition. Their web page shows the equipment available (and types) plus details of courses. Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodleian Libraries, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

TypeTom, Bognor Regis
Tom Boulton runs TypeTom, which includes printing and tuition. TypeTom also has a rather charming online shop. Glamis Street, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DQ

Richard Lawrence, Oxford
Richard Lawrence, Oxford

Incline Press, Oldham
Incline Press, Oldham

West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield
West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield