Mostly Flat, Ludlow

Dulcie Fulton’s let­ter­press courses.

Short let­ter­press courses teach­ing the fun­da­ment­als of tra­di­tion­al let­ter­press print­ing to small groups. Dulcie will share her enthu­si­asm and know­ledge of this artis­an craft, and show you how to set and print your own designs from a com­pre­hens­ive selec­tion of wood and met­al type, dec­or­at­ive orna­ments and pic­ture blocks. Cre­ate a set of let­ter­press prints, greet­ings cards, post­cards, coast­ers, busi­ness cards, book­marks or any small prin­ted thing that takes your fancy. Learn how to use a vari­ety of print­ing presses, includ­ing flat­bed proof presses, Adana 8×5 tab­letop platens and a floor-stand­ing treadle platen. Work­shops can be tailored to suit your aims and abil­ity. Please get in touch for more info.

Upcom­ing dates and full details: