The Grange, Ellesmere

The Grange, loc­ated just out­side the small mar­ket town of Ellesmere in Shrop­shire, runs res­id­en­tial short courses in let­ter­press print­ing (and also in book­bind­ing and paper marb­ling). Tuition is held in our press and com­pos­i­tion rooms which house our work­ing presses — an 1864 Albion, a Vander­cook proof­ing press, a Steph­en­son Blake proof­ing press, four treadle platens of dif­fer­ent sizes (Arab, Clyde, Crop­per and Eagle) and five Adanas. Courses are held over a week­end and are run by exper­i­enced print­ers and teach­ers. Accom­mod­a­tion is in the Grange itself — a beau­ti­ful Shrop­shire coun­try house. For fur­ther details please see the web­site: