The Smallprint Company, Derby

Come and learn let­ter­press print with The Small­print Co! Our work­shops show you the basics of com­pos­i­tion and print­ing with wood and lead type to cre­ate a let­ter­press pro­ject includ­ing prints, coast­ers, cards. Along­side our sched­uled work­shops, we offer one-to-one and group work­shops at our well-equipped stu­dio. We have a wide range of ori­gin­al type to suit your pro­ject and expert advice on hand with our exper­i­enced tutor and time-served print­er, Chris Bark­er. Dur­ing your time with us you’ll have the oppor­tun­ity to work on an Adana 8×5 or the Crop­per Charlton proof­ing press and there’s an Adana T/P48 for the more exper­i­enced student.

The Small­print Com­pany, 2–3 Fri­ary Street, Derby DE1 1JF

07806 782109 or 07948 266652