Letterpress Classifieds

For sale, for exchange and wanted small ads

Be Aware!

I’m sorry to say I’ve had reports of some posters being approached by scam­mers: these have been typ­ic­ally not in the UK or ask­ing for items to be cour­iered.  In one case a per­son was offered too much for their press and asked for the dif­fer­ence to be paid back to the buy­er.   The Nation­wide has more details of frauds to look out for.

March 2023

For Sale

I’m selling a new con­di­tion, fully assembled F‑Press by Tom Bolton. It comes with all addi­tion­al assembly equip­ment and parts, book­let and I can include new unopened let­ter­press ink in blue, green, brown and black worth around £40. I bought it for cre­at­ing linocut prints but I have too many hob­bies and not enough time! These sell for £250 + deliv­ery and are often out of stock, I will con­sider offers around £220. Please get in touch if you are inter­ested, I’d love to find it a good home!

Con­tact: Lois May­hew: lois.mayhew@gmail.com


Top sheet strap on side lay side of a pre-war Heidle­berg Platen

Con­tact: Colin Ansell, New Zea­l­and, taranakitypesetters@xtra.co.nz

February 2023

For Sale

Crop­per Charlton & co large Rotary paper/card cut­ting machine. Beau­ti­ful look­ing old paper cut­ter , looks well oiled so most prob­ably still works but due to age design might be more of a museum piece now. Look­ing for offers, I may be able to help with deliv­ery as large item.

Con­tact: Derroll Ped­der, Clac­ton-on-Sea: Derroll.pedder@btinternet.com


In search of a func­tion­al Chand­ler and Price Old Style platen press. 10×15 or 12×18.

Con­tact: Jonny Bridges, Lon­don, johnny+lp@artificial.io

For Sale

Large gal­ley rack / stone base could be used as base for table top press etc. Size
40 ins x 37.5 ins x 36 ins high. 42 wide slots with 27 trays & 50 nar­row slots no trays.
Good con­di­tion. FREE, too good to scrap. Pho­tos available.

Con­tact: Dav­id Jen­kins, West Sus­sex, dj.printing@btconnect.com

January 2023

For Sale

Peer­less No 1 treadle oper­ated print­ing machine. Year of man­u­fac­ture 1890. Print size 8 x 5 inches. New rollers. Excel­lent con­di­tion. Quite heavy, spilts into 2 parts.
£475 00.

Con­tact: Michael Turn­er, Lan­cashire, aztec1520@yahoo.co.uk

December 2022

For Sale

Squintani and co Lon­don Beau­ti­ful Blue Mod­el 1 ori­gin­al desk top let­ter press for renov­a­tion or dis­play in shop or museum. Sens­ible offers con­sidered and happy to send pho­to­graphs and organ­ise view­ing upon request.

Con­tact Sally Hen­nessy, East Sus­sex, sbhappydaze@googlemail.com

August 2022


I work for a liv­ing his­tory museum in Basing­s­toke, Hamp­shire (Mile­stones Museum). We have a work­ing Columbi­an Press, that we are keen to demon­strate to vis­it­ors, the main prob­lem being that we have little type­set, spacers, leads and fur­niture. If any­one is look­ing to rid of these things, please keep us in mind. Thank you. Jo

Con­tact: Jo Bur­gess-Eng­land, jo.burgess-england@hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk


I’m look­ing for a let­ter­press, prefer­ably table top. Thank you.

Iza­bela, East­bourne. Contact@lavenderavenue.co.uk