
Where to get hold of your let­ter­press needs

There are a reas­on­able num­ber of sup­pli­ers for your let­ter­press needs. This lim­ited list is based on per­son­al recom­mend­a­tions. Please con­tact me if you want to recom­mend a sup­pli­er or want to be added.  The Let­ter­press Alive site provides a more com­pre­hens­ive list of cur­rent suppliers.

Urban Fox

Roger offers a per­son­al ser­vice, an eye for just the item you want and a very reas­on­able price!  Please get in touch with him to dis­cuss what you’re after.


Per­son­ally used and recom­mend — Metal­lic Ele­phant, or Cen­tur­i­on Graph­ics.

Printers' Engineer

Tony Wood, Leeds: 0113 260 6134 —


Rollers for com­mon hand presses are avail­able from a num­ber of UK sources.  Try Adana’s par­ent com­pany — Caslon.

Composing Room Stores

Quotes from Composing Room Stores
Quotes from Com­pos­ing Room Stores

Mr Juli­us Stafford-Baker, a great let­ter­press advoc­ate and hands-on help­er, has launched the first 21st Cen­tury store selling 19th Cen­tury equip­ment with his Com­pos­ing Room Stores. You can order many of the requs­ites of the let­ter­press print­er from him — fur­niture and lead­ing, pack­ing and quoins. You can also hire single words (prop­erly ‘sorts’) from him in fancy types.

The Logan Press

Patrick Roe runs a Mono­type oper­a­tion; a let­ter­press print­ing works; and also a ser­vice to move and restore machinery!  Have a look at for details.

Alderson & Co

Alder­son & CO Lim­ited spe­cial­ise in all things let­ter­press. Full Res­tor­a­tion, Sales, Ser­vice, Break­down and Relo­ca­tion of all Let­ter­press Machinery. Con­tact Neil Alder­son on 07834045453 or


Caslon, Adana’s par­ent com­pany, are again pro­du­cing Adana machines and all the asso­ci­ated equip­ment and supplies.

Adana Shop

France-based sup­pli­er of ren­ov­ated Adana machines.