Printing Industry

His­tor­ic­al art­icles and in-depth ana­lys­is of letterpress

For many, let­ter­press is an engross­ing sub­ject and while it’s import­ant to do the print­ing, it’s also nice to see how let­ter­press fits in with the wider world and also see the tech­nic­al­it­ies of printing.

This sec­tion of the site hosts the ‘back­ground’ to let­ter­press — I hope you find some­thing inter­est­ing here.

Efficiency and the Small Printer

A com­pre­hens­ive look at effi­ciency and the small printer

The Printing Industry in 1965

A sum­mary of the what the UK’s print­ing industry looked like in 1965

Organisation of a Printing Office

Your dreams have come true! You’re now Gen­er­al Man­ager of a print­ing works, but just how should you organ­ise your empire?