The Bodleian Bibliographical Press

The Bodlei­an Lib­rar­y’s Bib­li­o­graph­ic­al Press has both inter­est­ing presses (and exper­i­ments!) and runs tuition.  Their web page shows the equip­ment avail­able (and types) plus details of courses. Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodlei­an Lib­rar­ies, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

The Smallprint Company, Derby

Come and learn let­ter­press print with The Small­print Co! Our work­shops show you the basics of com­pos­i­tion and print­ing with wood and lead type to cre­ate a let­ter­press pro­ject includ­ing prints, coast­ers, cards. Along­side our sched­uled work­shops, we offer one-to-one and group work­shops at our well-equipped stu­dio. We have a wide range of ori­gin­al type…

Mostly Flat, Ludlow

Dulcie Fulton’s let­ter­press courses.

Pixel Press, Stoke Newington

Pixel Press in Stoke Newington

The Letterpress Collective, Bristol

Nick Hand and Ellen Bills run the Let­ter­press Col­lect­ive in Bris­tol.  They run courses, under­take print­ing and organ­ise a print fest­iv­al each year.  Nick sus­pects (and I agree) that he is the only print­er to have a fully fledged bicycle with a print­ing press on that has rid­den from Bris­tol to Mainz print­ing along the way. Centrespace, 6 Leonard…

The Grange, Ellesmere

The Grange, loc­ated just out­side the small mar­ket town of Ellesmere in Shrop­shire, runs res­id­en­tial short courses in let­ter­press print­ing (and also in book­bind­ing and paper marb­ling). Tuition is held in our press and com­pos­i­tion rooms which house our work­ing presses — an 1864 Albion, a Vander­cook proof­ing press, a Steph­en­son Blake proof­ing press, four…

The Paper Trail, Hemel Hempstead

Let­ter­press print­ing at this won­der­ful paper mill with Paul Wool­ley and a jour­ney­man com­pos­itor.  More details on the Frog­more Mill website.

Brignell Bookbinder

Book­bind­ing-focused tuition in Cambridge

Richard Lawrence, Oxford

Richard Lawrence, Oxford

West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield

West York­shire Print Work­shop, Mirfield

The Print Project, Shipley

The Print Pro­ject, Ship­ley, West Yorkshire

Incline Press, Oldham

Incline Press, Oldham