Hand & Eye Letterpress, London

Hand & Eye Let­ter­press: fine print­ers and sup­pli­ers of let­ter­press type, London


Letterpress in Mogadishu

An art­icle in The Atlantic about a print­ing works in Somali­a’s cap­it­al.  Great eph­em­er­al print­ing in very try­ing con­di­tions on a Heidel­berg Cyl­in­der Press.


Hand & Eye: New Heidelberg Cylinder Press

An account from Hand & Eye of the install­a­tion of their latest press.

Heidelberg Cylinder Presses

“The finest let­ter­press machines ever made”

Cylinder and Proofing Presses

Presses using a cyl­in­der to impress the paper on the forme