
Letterform Archive: Linotype Master Drawings

News of the San Fran­s­isco-based Let­ter­form Archive’s acquis­i­tion of 6,000+ mas­ter draw­ings of Lino­type faces.  Great examples of the draw­ings of some of the key Lino­type faces at the foot of the article.


The Manchester Ballads and the Incline Press

An inter­est­ing Radio 4 pro­gramme on the Manchester Bal­lads made all the more excit­ing through the appear­ance around the half-way point of an Arab Platen Press.  Of course, presses don’t exist without print­ing works and people — provided by Gra­ham and Kathy at the Incline Press.

Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester

The Com­mu­nic­a­tions Gal­lery at the Museum of Sci­ence and Industry in Manchester includes a stat­ic print­ing gal­lery.  Not on dis­play, but in stor­age, is a col­lec­tion of linecast­ing machines: a short write up is by their 2015 Artist in Res­id­ence. Museum of Sci­ence and Industry, Liv­er­pool Road, Manchester M3 4FP 

Incline Press, Oldham

Incline Press, Oldham

Hot Bed Press, Salford

Hot Bed Press, Salford


‘Thompson-Brit­ish Auto­mat­ic Platen’, made in Bux­ton Street, Manchester