Type and Typography

Maid in Britain: The sensory pleasures of printing and pressing

Mary from Maid in Bri­tain has been in touch — the Rufford Print­ing Co in Mawdes­ley, Lan­cashire helped me pro­duce a book­let — a first for them I think — type­set on the last Inter­type machine of its kind ever made and which was in use at the Guard­i­an until 1987 — then hand printed…


Hiring Hot Metal Compositors

I’d missed this in July (not sure how) about friends at Urb­an Cot­tage Indus­tries hir­ing for line cast­ing machine operators.


Urban Cottage Industries: Letterpress Interview

Urb­an Cot­tage Indus­tries asked that I join their print­er, Dav­id Evans, to dis­cuss let­ter­press print­ing.  They run a bat­tery of linecast­ing machines and run a num­ber of presses to cre­ate their bespoke and short-run prin­ted goods.  Dav­id — when back at Airedale Products — was good enough to dis­cuss print­ing with my as I got started…

Linotype and Intertype Salvage

A guide — in note form — to sal­va­ging a Inter­type or Linotype

Type and Typography

The build­ing blocks of the prin­ted word and today’s graph­ic design