Blog Events

Return of Shipley Wayzgoose

I’m delighted that Roger and Nick have been able to host again the Ship­ley Wayz­goose. It’s my loc­al fair — so I’m biased! — but it’s a won­der­ful day meet­ing great people. 11 June 2022, 11am to 4pm at the Kirkg­ate Centre, Ship­ley. The Wayz­goose now has it’s own Insta account, too. View this post…


Shipley Wayzgoose - Report

I had the pleas­ure of vis­it­ing the first Ship­ley Wayz­goose organ­ised by the Paper­cut Bind­ery and the Print Pro­ject.  An excel­lent event! Great to meet new people, like Pat Randle; put faces to names like Nick Gill, Nick Hand with his Print­ing Bike, and Dav­id Armes from Tod­m­orden; and meet old friends like Gra­ham Moss and…


Shipley Print Festival 

Excit­ing news of a Wayz­goose in Ship­ley in June!


Yorkshire Film Archive: Printers' Ink

A won­der­ful film from the York­shire Film Archive of the Tod­m­orden News.  While much is devoted to the news gath­er­ing pro­cess, there’s a linecaster of some sort and a Coss­ar Press to do the hard work of printing.


Hiring Hot Metal Compositors

I’d missed this in July (not sure how) about friends at Urb­an Cot­tage Indus­tries hir­ing for line cast­ing machine operators.

West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Mirfield

West York­shire Print Work­shop, Mirfield

The Bremner Machine Company

An 1897 account of the Brem­ner Machine Works, Otley with illus­tra­tions of the depart­ments involved in mak­ing print­ing presses

Beck Isle Museum, Pickering, North Yorkshire

Small, but friendly, print­ing sec­tion in this happy North York­shire town