
It's Nice That: Hacking Heidelberg: how Erik Spiekermann came to reinvent the printing process

A rather lav­ish and jeal­ousy-indu­­cing art­icle from It’s Nice, That, on Erik Spieker­man­n’s let­ter­press works.  Truly won­der­ful to see such a great name in design return to let­ter­press with a craft approach to the whole thing.

History of the Jobbing Platen

The work­horse of com­mer­cial small-scale print­ing in the UK

Heidelberg Printing Machines

The main­stay of UK let­ter­press job­bing work from the 1950s

Robert Smail's, Innerleithen

A let­ter­press time-cap­sule in the Scot­tish Borders


‘Thompson-Brit­ish Auto­mat­ic Platen’, made in Bux­ton Street, Manchester