The ever-excellent Gentle Author looks at the Caslon Letter Foundry, Chiswell Street, London
The ever-excellent Gentle Author looks at the Caslon Letter Foundry, Chiswell Street, London
Putting your types back in their place
How did we in the English-speaking world arrive at 0.01387” as one point?
An excerpt from the British Printer explaining research into type synopses
Bigger type to produce those wonderful inky letterpress posters
How the typefounder, Stephenson, Blake has impacted modern typography
The system that spawned a great name in letterpress and the typography we use today
How to find and buy second-hand type
Other UK type founders
The obscure join between maths and printing — making sure each letter is in the right proportions
The famous Sheffield-based type founder
The building blocks of the printed word and today’s graphic design