
Spitalfields Life: The Caslon Letter Foundry

The ever-excel­lent Gentle Author looks at the Caslon Let­ter Foundry, Chiswell Street, London

Dissing, or Distributing Type

Put­ting your types back in their place

The Point System

How did we in the Eng­lish-speak­ing world arrive at 0.01387” as one point?

Type Fount Proportions

An excerpt from the Brit­ish Print­er explain­ing research into type synopses

Woodletter or Poster Types

Big­ger type to pro­duce those won­der­ful inky let­ter­press posters

Stephenson, Blake Today

How the typefounder, Steph­en­son, Blake has impacted mod­ern typography

The Monotype System

The sys­tem that spawned a great name in let­ter­press and the typo­graphy we use today

Finding Second-Hand Type

How to find and buy second-hand type

Type Founders

Oth­er UK type founders

Type Synopses

The obscure join between maths and print­ing — mak­ing sure each let­ter is in the right proportions

Stephenson, Blake

The fam­ous Shef­field-based type founder

Type and Typography

The build­ing blocks of the prin­ted word and today’s graph­ic design