This is an early version of a page to list the UK’s letterpress printers. Many of those listed here print and offer courses or other things. The people listed under here are primarily printers.
Typoretum, Colchester
Just Knopp’s Typoretum, Essex
The Letterpress Collective, Bristol
Nick Hand and Ellen Bills run the Letterpress Collective in Bristol. They run courses, undertake printing and organise a print festival each year. Nick suspects (and I agree) that he is the only printer to have a fully fledged bicycle with a printing press on that has ridden from Bristol to Mainz printing along the way. Centrespace, 6 Leonard…
TypeTom, Bognor Regis
Tom Boulton runs TypeTom, which includes printing and tuition. TypeTom also has a rather charming online shop. Glamis Street, Bognor Regis, PO21 1DQ
Incline Press, Oldham
Incline Press, Oldham
Richard Lawrence, Oxford
Richard Lawrence, Oxford
Hand & Eye Letterpress, London
Hand & Eye Letterpress: fine printers and suppliers of letterpress type, London