The Bodleian Bibliographical Press

The Bodlei­an Lib­rar­y’s Bib­li­o­graph­ic­al Press has both inter­est­ing presses (and exper­i­ments!) and runs tuition.  Their web page shows the equip­ment avail­able (and types) plus details of courses. Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodlei­an Lib­rar­ies, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

Ditchling Museum of Art and Craft

Museum at the former home of Eric Gill

Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester

The Com­mu­nic­a­tions Gal­lery at the Museum of Sci­ence and Industry in Manchester includes a stat­ic print­ing gal­lery.  Not on dis­play, but in stor­age, is a col­lec­tion of linecast­ing machines: a short write up is by their 2015 Artist in Res­id­ence. Museum of Sci­ence and Industry, Liv­er­pool Road, Manchester M3 4FP 

Amberley Museum, West Sussex

Amber­ley Museum, West Sussex

Press Here, Coupar Angus

John Eas­son’s workshop

St Bride Library

One of the best graph­ic arts lib­rar­ies in the World

Milton Keynes Museum

A museum show­ing Milton Keynes’ 130 years of printing

Beck Isle Museum, Pickering, North Yorkshire

Small, but friendly, print­ing sec­tion in this happy North York­shire town

Cambridge Museum of Technology

A wide selec­tion of print­ing-related equip­ment in Cambridge

Robert Smail's, Innerleithen

A let­ter­press time-cap­sule in the Scot­tish Borders

Bradford Industrial Museum

Brad­ford’s Indus­tri­al Museum