Taking an Arab Apart

A step-by-step account of dis­mant­ling an Arab press

After Printing

The cru­cial steps between stop­ping the press, and tea and buns

Metallic Inks

Print­ing with metal­lic inks is dif­fi­cult, but the reward is a unique look to your work

Simple Bookbinding

A much more pro­fes­sion­al way to gath­er pages together

Letterpress From Scratch

Get­ting into a let­ter­press mind­set to begin printing

A Small Printing Office

The requis­ites for a small print­ing office


Bring­ing your indi­vidu­al met­al types together

Cutting Paper

Get­ting paper to the right size

Further Bits and Pieces

The odd­ments that are essen­tial to letterpress

Small Presses: Getting the Most from the Least

Get­ting large-scale res­ults from small-scale presses


Once an industry in its own right: let­ter­press ink

Locking Up

Get­ting the whole forme level and work­able as a single unit