
Artists' Books and Letterpress: Academic Survey

An aca­dem­ic needs your let­ter­press help!

Angela But­ler from the Uni­ver­sity of the West of Eng­land is work­ing on a PhD look­ing at let­ter­press with­in artists’ books prac­tice.  Please do join the sur­vey below if you can help!

This research intends to exam­ine how we learn to design and cre­ate artists’ books through let­ter­press. To gain an under­stand­ing of how con­tem­por­ary book artists teach­ing let­ter­press has influ­enced what is pro­duced in the field, and how this relates back into stu­dio and private press practice.

By tak­ing this sur­vey, you are shar­ing inform­a­tion towards my PhD. stud­ies and agree­ing that res­ults may be pub­lished in hard copy or online. There are selec­tion boxes in the sur­vey to choose your pref­er­ence for either being named or remain­ing anonym­ous if quoted.