
Print Futures Award: Call for Applications

Seek­ing applic­a­tions for the Print­ing Char­ity’s Print Futures Award.

The Print Futures Awards are grants of up to £1,500 to help people aged 18 to 30 years train or help fur­ther to devel­op their careers in print­ing, pub­lish­ing, pack­aging and graph­ic arts or devel­op their exist­ing roles in those sec­tors. People are eli­gible to apply for an Award if they are UK res­id­ents and –

  • Intend or are study­ing for a paper, print­ing, pub­lish­ing, pack­aging or graph­ic arts qualification
  • Work in those sec­tors and want to under­take short courses to devel­op their work­place skills
  • Are appren­tices or study­ing for NVQs in print-related organizations.
    Print Futures Awards isn’t a grant to be used to sub­sid­ising for com­pan­ies for out­go­ings, equip­ment, nor­mal staff train­ing costs.