Letterpress From Scratch

world? The biggest reas­on I can find is that it offers a hands-on imme­di­acy that oth­er meth­ods can’t offer. The whole pro­cess feeds the senses: the cold­ness and weight of…

Letterpress Classifieds

…but I have too many hob­bies and not enough time! These sell for £250 + deliv­ery and are often out of stock, I will con­sider offers around £220. Please get…

Choosing Typefaces

In the let­ter­press world, the choice of typefaces was a very big con­sid­er­a­tion.  Remem­ber that today we can down­load new faces and use them imme­di­ately.  In let­ter­press set­tling on one…


Typoretum: Rainbow Inking

Short videos are rarely as sat­is­fy­ing as this!  Would love to see the end res­ult. https://twitter.com/typoretum/status/886833626092097536…


The Wipers Times

The BBC will broad­cast a pro­gramme detail­ing the Wipers Times, a trench magazine made by sol­diers at Ypres in World War I.  I under­stand Tim Honnor’s Arab will have star…

Type Fount Proportions

This art­icle is from the Brit­ish Print­er magazine of 1961.  The research was con­duc­ted for PATRA: The Print­ing and Allied Trades’ Research Asso­ci­ation. The pro­por­tions of char­ac­ters mak­ing up a…

The Ludlow Typograph

…the newspaper and the rubber stamp industry.  Newspapers typ­ic­ally used the Lud­low to pro­duce head­lines to sit with their Inter­type or Lino­type mat­ter.  Rubber stamp makers use the machines to…


…work in rubber gloves. Most print­ing ink comes in cans, of a size which many com­mer­cial print­ers use up in one job! Nev­er­the­less, such cans gen­er­ally have a close-fit­ting lid-don’t…

Dissing, or Distributing Type

…type back in the case. If you drop a let­ter in to the incor­rect box then search for that and cor­rect the prob­lem before mov­ing on to the next piece of…


BritishLetterpress.co.uk has served nearly sev­enty thou­sand pages to around ten thou­sand unique vis­it­ors since March 2007. Most (62%) are from the UK and around one-third have arrived from a search


…design­ing a suit­ably pro­por­tioned grid. This newslet­ter is based on, but not entirely con­strained by, a simple grid of three equal width columns‑a ruler and col­oured pen­cil can reveal all!…


…in Cov­entry. The com­pany made the mod­est claim that theirs was ‘the best auto platen in the world’, and sup­port­ers say that hand­ling of paper stock is unpar­alleled. Pub­li­city showed…