Letterpress From Scratch

world? The biggest reas­on I can find is that it offers a hands-on imme­di­acy that oth­er meth­ods can’t offer. The whole pro­cess feeds the senses: the cold­ness and weight of…

Choosing Typefaces

In the let­ter­press world, the choice of typefaces was a very big con­sid­er­a­tion.  Remem­ber that today we can down­load new faces and use them imme­di­ately.  In let­ter­press set­tling on one…

Josiah Wade

…built presses serving ‘the civ­il­ised world’, and hav­ing been elec­ted as May­or of his town is a great accol­ade. Indeed the Hal­i­fax Guardian’s first reports of his death repor­ted that…

British Letterpress

…let­ter­press machines  Print­ing Industry His­tor­ic­al art­icles and in-depth ana­lys­is of let­ter­press Com­munity The hub of today’s UK let­ter­press com­munity Blog Updates and asides from the wider world of Brit­ish letterpress…

Construction of Cylinder Machines

…remem­ber that the strain upon a belt dimin­ishes accord­ing to the speed it runs at, and the fre­quent break­ing of belts is very often caused by running the machine at…

Organisation of a Printing Office

…of each machine should be used to alloc­ate rent and rates to that machine so a com­bined cost of running that machine for an hour is cre­ated includ­ing: cap­tial, space,…

Heidelberg Printing Machines

The Heidel­berg Platen press became the main­stay of UK job­bing let­ter­press print­ing and many machines see ser­vice today work­ing on jobs that litho or digit­al machines simply can­not do: odd…


Typoretum: Rainbow Inking

Short videos are rarely as sat­is­fy­ing as this!  Would love to see the end res­ult. https://twitter.com/typoretum/status/886833626092097536…

The Ludlow Typograph

the newspaper and the rubber stamp industry.  Newspapers typ­ic­ally used the Lud­low to pro­duce head­lines to sit with their Inter­type or Lino­type mat­ter.  Rubber stamp makers use the machines to…

Type and Typography

and Korean invent­ors had used the idea before the time. Gutenberg’s inven­tion was the first to be exploited and the idea spread rap­idly. There are three key stages in found­ing type –…

Blog Events

St Bride Virtual Wayzgoose

…a vir­tu­al wayz­goose on Sunday 11 July from 10am–1pm BST online via the St Bride Found­a­tion Twit­ter and Ins­tagram accounts. https://twitter.com/stbridelibrary https://www.instagram.com/stbridefoundation We are invit­ing let­ter­press prac­ti­tion­ers, print­ers, and associated…


…after his mar­riage. Charlton con­tin­ued to run the com­pany with his two sons, Regin­ald and Charles Cedric, not sur­pris­ingly they kept the Crop­per name in their com­pany title. The last…