Blog Events

St Bride Virtual Wayzgoose

Des­pite Cov­id restric­tions, the let­ter­press cham­pi­ons at St Bride are organ­ising a vir­tu­al wayz­goose. Details below!

Due to the ongo­ing coronavir­us restric­tions in the UK, we have decided to host a vir­tu­al wayz­goose on Sunday 11 July from 10am–1pm BST online via the St Bride Found­a­tion Twit­ter and Ins­tagram accounts.

We are invit­ing let­ter­press prac­ti­tion­ers, print­ers, and asso­ci­ated trades to share their wares with us on the day using the #SBFWayz­goose.

All you will need to do is cre­ate an Instagram/Twitter post between 10–1pm BST on the 11 July sharing:

  • A photograph/s of your work
  • A link to your website/work/online shop
  • A short descrip­tion of who you are and what you do
  • Include the #SBFWayz­goose 
  • And tag us in the post using @stbridelibrary for Twit­ter and @stbridefoundation for Instagram

We will then pro­mote anyone’s work/business who joins in on the day as long as the work being shared is appro­pri­ate and adheres to the above guidelines. 

Our aim is to cel­eb­rate the fant­ast­ic wealth of cre­ativ­ity, trade and craft with­in the let­ter­press and print­ing com­munit­ies around the globe, with the St Bride Lib­rary and Print Work­shop cham­pi­on­ing them at its heart. 

This is free – no costs are needed to take part and it is open to all. Please share this with any­one you think would be inter­ested in tak­ing part. 

Head­er Image: “St Bride Found­a­tion Insti­tute” flickr photo by Howard­Lake shared under a Cre­at­ive Com­mons (BY-SA) license