
Shipley Wayzgoose - Report

I had the pleas­ure of vis­it­ing the first Ship­ley Wayz­goose organ­ised by the Paper­cut Bind­ery and the Print Pro­ject.  An excel­lent event!

Great to meet new people, like Pat Randle; put faces to names like Nick Gill, Nick Hand with his Print­ing Bike, and Dav­id Armes from Tod­m­orden; and meet old friends like Gra­ham Moss and Chris­ti­an Brett.

Quite apart from the social the work on dis­play was tre­mend­ous and the oppor­tun­ity to buy let­ter­press odds and sods could not be passed up.

Ship­ley’s Kirkg­ate Centre was a great ven­ue and encour­aged one to linger with tea and a bun.

Ship­ley Wayz­goose: A hive of activ­ity with­in twenty minutes of the doors opening!

Thanks to those that trav­elled from far and wide (and on bikes) to get to Ship­ley and espe­cial thanks to Roger Grech and Nick Loar­ing for organising.