Blog Events

St Bride Event: Douglas Downing on The Dalziel Brothers

A note from St Bride on an upcom­ing event.

I am email­ing on behalf of the St Bride Found­a­tion where I cur­ate their events pro­gramme as I wanted to let you know about a talk we have com­ing up that may be of interest to you and your fel­low members.

It is being held on Fri­day 24 Novem­ber at 7pm and is being giv­en by Douglas Down­ing on The Dalziel Broth­ers. Douglas is a des­cend­ent of theirs so it will be a very rich and detailed talk about his research into the fam­ily and their work through­out the 60 years that they ran the Cam­den Press. Most not­ably, they cut the engrav­ings for Edward Lear’s Book of Non­sense and Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Won­der­land and Through the Look­ing Glass and worked with many well known artists includ­ing Mil­lais, Whist­ler and Rosetti.

We are hop­ing to also print a keep­sake for the even­ing in our print room too and will con­firm this in the next month all being well.

For more inform­a­tion, you can vis­it our web­site at: