Groups and Societies

…let­ter­press web­sites, Bri­ar Press has been running for just over fif­teen years. While star­ted as a US-focussed site its reach has now spread over the world. Bri­ar Press has the

Choosing Typefaces

In the let­ter­press world, the choice of typefaces was a very big con­sid­er­a­tion.  Remem­ber that today we can down­load new faces and use them imme­di­ately.  In let­ter­press set­tling on one…

Josiah Wade

…built presses serving ‘the civ­il­ised world’, and hav­ing been elec­ted as May­or of his town is a great accol­ade. Indeed the Hal­i­fax Guardian’s first reports of his death repor­ted that…


The word ‘squeeze’ sounds like one of those pass­words that are used by the print­ing world simply to add to the mys­tique of let­ter­press.  It’s true that it has been…


…One par­tic­u­lar fea­ture is that the ink­ing rollers have a cog at one end which links into a bike chain on the runner — this guar­an­tees that there will be…

History and Reference

Typoretum: Banging Out – Fleet Street Remembered

“Banging Out” was a way of newspaper print­ers com­mem­or­at­ing some­thing spe­cial: a long-serving employ­ee retir­ing or even the clos­ure of the presses.  This short film, via. Typo­retum, explains the tra­di­tion. Source:…

Beginning Bookbinding

…a mix­ture of cloth and tough papers. Many fine press books are pro­duced this way. You could spend a for­tune buy­ing top qual­ity leath­er, but the good news is that…

Finding a Press

…pro­duce con­sist­ent high-qual­ity res­ults; rel­at­ively light and com­pact, these are worth seek­ing. Super­fi­cial rust is eas­ily cleaned but the resi­li­ent ‘cloth­ing’ of the impres­sion cyl­in­der should be sound. This ‘rubber…


Shipley Print Festival 

Excit­ing news of a Wayz­goose in Ship­ley in June!…


Letterform Archive: Linotype Master Drawings

News of the San Fran­sisco-based Let­ter­form Archive’s acquis­i­tion of 6,000+ mas­ter draw­ings of Lino­type faces.  Great examples of the draw­ings of some of the key Lino­type faces at the foot of…


Francis Cupiss, Diss

the same build­ing to the most exact­ing stand­ards. Cupiss, Diss Today, Cupiss offers every­day print­ing for the people of Diss, but are also a beacon of let­ter­press print­ing.  John and

Upper Allen Street, Sheffield

…redeveloped for hous­ing. The first image below shows the devel­op­ment today (embed­ded Apil 2009) and the second shows the map of the site. [wpv-map-render map_id=‘map‑2’ map_type_control=‘off’ street_view_control=‘off’] [wpv-map-mark­er map_id=‘map‑2′ marker_id=‘marker‑2’ marker_field=‘wpcf-location’][/wpv-map-marker]…